Table 2

 Factor loadings after oblique rotation and the correlation matrix between oblique factors

VariableFactor 1Factor 2Factor 3Factor 4
Numbers in bold type indicate the correlations that determine the clusters for the oblique factors in (A) and significant correlations between oblique factors (p<0.01) in (B).
AI, action initiation; C, lack of concern; E, emotion; EP, everyday productivity; ER, blunting of emotional responses; IC, intellectual curiosity; INI, lack of initiative; INT, lack of interest; M, motivation; NS, extinction of novelty seeking; SA; extinction of self awareness; SL, poor social life.
(A) Factor loadings
EP0.1010.0560.164 0.867
INT 0.453 0.0840.2910.371
INI0.344−0.0460.015 0.692
NS 0.694 0.0660.2350.228
M 0.719 0.0660.0860.200
ER0.1290.386 0.700 0.135
C0.158−0.225 0.816 0.088
S 0.790 −0.0240.0310.065
SA0.058 0.931 −0.0030.008
(B) Correlations between oblique factors
IC1.0000.126 0.435 0.565
E 0.435 0.1121.000 0.293
AI 0.565 0.031 0.293 1.000