Table 1

 Demographic data, audiometric measures and treatment conditions

SubjAge/sexDuration (years)Pure tone audiometric threshold (dB HL)*Tinnitus loudness (dB HL)Tinnitus frequency (kHz) and typeAudiometric threshold at tinnitus (dB HL)Stimulation siterTMS intensity (%)
BA, Brodmann area; f, female; hf, high-frequency hearing loss; HL, hearing level; l, left; m, male; NBN, narrow band noise; no, not obtained; pan, pancochlear hearing loss; r, right; SIN, sinus tone.
*HL, hearing level in decibel (dB), provided as a standard “four tone average” = hearing loss at ((0.5+1+2+3 kHz)/4).
149/m4r: 12, l: 13, hfr: 35, l: 498, SINr: 32, l: 41:l BA 2282
259/m10r: 55, l: 51, panr: 60, l: 563, SINr: 56, l: 53l BA 3974
358/m2r: 6, l: 7, hfr: 43, l: 5810, SINr: 40, l 53:r BA 3958
468/m4r: 6, l: 6, hfr: 22, l: 276, SINr: 21, l: 26r BA 2255
559/m10r: 69, l: 22, panr: 75, l: no3, NBNr: 70, l: –r BA 3991
653/f4r: 15, l: 11, hfr: 69, l: 6210, SINr: 55, l: 61l BA 3977