Table 2

Comparison of Parkinson's disease patients and controls in neuropsychological tests

Parkinson's disease patients, n=25, mean (SD)Controls, n=25, mean (SD)One-tailed p-value*
Global cognitive assessment
 Trail making test
 Part A times (s) (1)44.6 (16.8)45.2 (15.8)0.433
 Part B times (s) (2)91.9 (38.1)75.9 (28.3)0.090
 Trail Making Test (B–A) (2)–(1)47.3 (36.9)30.8 (20.6)0.084
 Stroop test—inhibition cost index66.0 (33.1)53.8 (22.0)0.097
 Benton Visual Retention Test12.8 (1.5)13.4 (1.3)0.054
 Baddeley's Working Memory dual task
 Digit Span (n)5.6 (0.9)6.0 (1.2)0.092
 Digit span task—digits sequences recalled (n)6.8 (4.2)7.6 (4.1)0.225
Updating: n-back task
 Response times (ms)418.2 (60.1)411.4 (59.4)0.688
 Errors0.7 (1.5)0.2 (0.4)0.261
 Response times (ms)464.8 (80.2)425.7 (61.0)0.058
 Errors0.7 (1.7)0.1 (0.2)0.038
 Response times (ms)733.5 (189.1)632.1 (133.8)0.033
 Errors4.4 (1.2)1.4 (0.5)0.002
Flexibility: plus–minus task
 Addition list completion times (s) (5)60.4 (16.4)50.8 (12.7)0.013
 Subtraction list completion times (s) (6)83.7 (29.5)65.4 (22.8)0.005
 Shift list completion times (s) (7)92.7 (31.2)77.3 (19.6)0.043
Shift cost (7)−[(6)+(5)]/220.7 (15.8)19.2 (14.5)0.392
Information-processing speed: Stroop test
Colour naming completion time (s)65.0 (9.5)62.2 (7.1)0.217
  • Variables in italics are the variables of interest. Values in bold are significant.

  • * Student t test or Mann–Whitney U test. One-tailed analyses were applied in accordance with our hypothesis: we expected Parkinson's disease patients to be significantly impaired compared with controls. Two-tailed analyses did not alter our main findings (data not shown).

  • One patient was excluded from the analysis because the data could not be analysed.

  • Errors were calculated by the addition of the number of hits and false alarms.

  • Variables in italics are the variables of interest.