Table 3

Characteristics of patients with and without psychogenic movement disorder*

PMDWithout PMDp Value
Total No of patients (n (% females))103 (61)610 (64)0.59
Age at onset (years) (median (IQR))37 (28–47) n=10239 (31–54) n=4690.03
No of patients with CRPS (%)10 (10)250 (41)<0.001
Trauma (n (%))<0.001§
 Soft tissue injury45 (44)265 (43)
 Fracture5 (5)66 (11)
 Surgery14 (14)60 (10)
 Amputation1 (1)11 (2)
 Nerve entrapment1 (1)129 (21)
 Other37 (36)50 (8)
 Not described29 (5)
Time to onset (days) (median (IQR))14 (7–61)21 (2–183)0.54
Type of movement disorder (n (%))
 Dystonia67 (65)446 (73)0.09§
  Type of dystonia (% of dystonia cases)
   Fixed60 (90)257 (58)<0.001
   Mobile4 (6)98 (22)
   Both1 (1)55 (12)
   Unknown2 (3)36 (8)
 Tremor39 (38)137 (22)<0.001
 Myoclonus6 (6)89 (15)0.015
 Spasms15 (15)64 (10)0.22
 PLMT/F42 (7)<0.001
 Other (chorea, parkinsonism, tics)10 (10)16 (3)<0.001
Spread of movement disorder to other body regions (n (%))33 (32)118 (19)0.004
Location (n (%))<0.001§
 Face1 (0)
 Oromandibular/vocal cords44 (7)
 Neck/shoulder20 (19)156 (26)
 Trunk14 (2)
 Arm40 (39)122 (20)
 Leg34 (33)143 (23)
 Extremity not specified125 (21)
 Multiple sites9 (9)5 (1)
PMD criteria† (n (%))
 Documented/clinically established61 (76)
 Probable/possible16 (20)
 Not fulfilled3 (4)
Psychiatric diagnosis† (n (%))
 Conversion/somatisation disorder26 (35)
 Multiple diagnoses7 (9)
 Malingering2 (3)
 Other20 (27)10 (5)
 No psychiatric diagnosis established19 (26)54 (29)
 Clinical psychological features (eg, depression)19 (10)
 No clinical psychological features101 (59)
Litigation/worker's compensation† (n (%))39 (60)27 (20)<0.001
Nerve lesion† (n (%))2 (50)180 (68)<0.001
Pain† (n (%))
 Present50 (98)493 (95)<0.001
  • n, number of patients on which this information was available; (%) refers to whole group unless otherwise specified.

  • * Differences between groups should be interpreted with caution: if variables were not described it was assumed that these variables were not present. This could lead to distortion of the p values, especially in features reported in less than 50% of the cases (indicated by †).

  • Percentage calculated for the number of patients on which the information was available.

  • § p values indicate omnibus tests; p values without a symbol are comparisons of one variable.

  • CRPS, complex regional pain syndrome; PLMT/F, painful limbs and moving toes or fingers; PMD, psychogenic movement disorder.