Table 1

Studies of obsessive–compulsive disorder comorbid with hyperkinetic (non-tic) movement disorders

AuthornStudy designMeasurement instrument OC symptomOC symptom severity* Measurement instrument OCD diagnosisOCD diagnosis
 Huntington's disease
  Anderson et al2627CohortY-BOCS
  Anderson et al271642CohortUHDRS
  Beglinger et al283964CohortUHDRS
  Beglinger et al29300§Case controlSCOPI
  • Far to onset

  • Mid to onset

  • Near to onset

  Craufurd et al20134CohortPBA-HD
  van Duijn et al30140§Case controlCIDI
  Murgod et al3126CohortUHDRS
 Sydenham's chorea
  Alvarenga et al3251§Case controlY-BOCS
  Asbahr et al3350Case controlLOI (resistance)K-SADS
LOI (interference)Month 5+6
  Asbahr et al3473CohortY-BOCS
  Asbahr et al3538§Case controlY-BOCS
  Hounie et al3659§Case controlY-BOCSSCID
  Hounie et al3750§Family study**Y-BOCSSCID, K-SADS
  Maia et al38106§Case control
  • LOI (median)

  • Y-BOCS (median)

  Mercadante et al3942§Case controlY-BOCSK-SADS
 Myoclonus dystonia
  Foncke et al4027§Family study**Y-BOCSSCID
  Saunders-Pullman et al,41 Hess et al4230§Family study**CIDI
 Generalised dystonia
  Heiman et al4327§Case controlMOCICIDI
  Bihari et al4421§Case controlMOCI
  Broocks et al4513§Case control
  • SCL-90-R

  • HOCI

  Hall et al46159§Case controlHOCI
  Munhoz et al4730§Case controlY-BOCS
  Wenzel et al4831CohortSCID
 Idiopathic focal dystonia
  Cavallaro et al4976§Family study**Y-BOCS
  Fabbrini et al5086§Case controlY-BOCS
  Lencer et al5186§Case controlSCID
 Idiopathic spasmodic torticollis
  Bihari et al5222§Case control
  • Y-BOCS

  • MOCI

  • SCL-90-R

 Focal hand dystonia
  Voon et al5339CohortSCID
  • Characteristics of the 29 included studies regarding patients with movement disorders and comorbidity with OCD.

  • * OC symptom severity in study group compared with control group.

  • No difference between case and controls.

  • Significant difference between case and controls.

  • § Only the case group is listed.

  • No information available or study design not suitable for comparison.

  • ** Only the probands of the family studies are presented.

  • CIDI, Composite International Diagnostic Interview; HOCI, Hamburg Obsession/Compulsion Inventory; K-SADS, Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School Aged Children; LOI, Leyton Obsessional Inventory-child version; MMC, manifest mutation carrier; MOCI, Maudsley Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory; NMC, non-manifest mutation carrier; OCD, obsessive–compulsive disorder; PBA-HD, Problem Behaviours Assessment for Huntington's Disease; PD, Parkinson's disease; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders; SCL-90-R, Symptom Check-List-90-revised; SCOPI, Schedule of Compulsions; UHDRS, Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale; Y-BOCS, Yale–Brown Obsessive–Compulsive Scale.