Table 2

Degree of functional impairment and outcome in DAWS+

Functional impairment of DAWS+ patients
 Mild to moderate: limited to demanding activities or if it had some impact on the patient's and family daily life
  nLD-LEDD (mg) p1 DA-LEDD (mg) p2 Cumulative DA-LEDD (mg) p3 Total LEDD at withdrawal p4
  7963 (562) (300–1800)226 (167) (60–480)1445 (1453) (15–3525)1189 (558) (420–1900)
 Severe: considerable disruption of the patient's and family daily life or inability to perform basic activities of daily life
  nLD-LEDD (mg)DA-LEDD (mg)Cumulative DA-LEDD (mg)Total LEDD at withdrawal
  6702 (328) (300–1200)255 (120) (120–450)1208 (679) (600–2475)957 (306) (560–1320)
Outcome of DAWS patients
 Recovery <6 months
  nLD-LEDD (mg) p5 DA-LEDD (mg) p6 Cumulative DA-LEDD (mg) p7 Total LEDD at withdrawal p8
  8930 (540) (300–1800)213 (126) (60–400)1274 (1391) (15–3525)1143 (549) (420–1900)
 Recovery >6 months <1 year
 Recovery >1 year
  3750 (409) (400–1200)350 (199) (120–480)1710 (662) (1325–2475)1100 (220) (880–1320)
 Unable to tolerate DA withdrawal due to DAWS symptoms
  2633 (329) (400–866)180 (28) (160–200)1019 (299) (807–1231)813 (357) (560–1066)
  • Results are given as: mean (SD), (range).

  • ADL, activities of daily living; DA, dopamine agonist; DAWS, dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome; LD, levodopa; LEDD, levodopa equivalent daily dose.

  • Mann–Whitney U test: p1: 0.53; p2: 0.53; p3: 0.94; p4: 0.44; Kruskal–Wallis: p5: 0.86; p6: 0.44; p7: 0.31; p8: 0.49.