Table 1

Summary of subject characteristics and behavioural data

Demographic data
 Gender M : F12 : 05 : 31 : 48 : 9
 Handedness R : L8 : 47 : 15 : 015 : 2
 Age66.1 (7.6)66.1 (6.9)62.7 (8.2)66.2 (8.1)
General cognitive functions
 MMSE (/30)23.5 (6.0)*22.8 (5.6)*19.2 (10.8)29.9 (0.3)
 NART (/50)26.5 (16.1)*18.7 (11.9)*17.0 (15.3)*42.7
 Words (/50)32.1 (11.5)*†32.6 (7.3)*†42.5 (4.8)48.2 (2.3)
 Faces (/50)32.4 (5.7)*31.1 (8.3)*33.3 (7.1)42.4 (4.3)
Digit span
 Forward (/12)7.4 (2.6)7.1 (2.9)4.8 (2.2)9.0 (1.7)
 Reverse (/12)5.2 (2.8)6.0 (2.9)3.5 (3.0)6.6 (1.7)
BPVS (/150)119.5 (42.3)*,**68.1 (54.6)*117.2 (50.8)148.4 (1.1)
GNT (/30)9.1 (6.7)*,**1.1 (2.8)*9.2 (12.2)*25.9 (3.1)
Arithmetic (/24)13.3 (7.3)†10.8 (9.9)3.0 (0.0)*14.6 (4.6)
VOSP object decision (/20)15.7 (3.1)*14.3 (4.3)*15.6 (3.2)19.4 (0.7)
 Vocabulary (/80)41.5 (22.6)*21.8 (20.8)*19.4 (19.1)*70.5 (4.3)
 Block design (/71)19.6 (15.1)*31.6 (17.9)23.6 (20.2)46.2 (11.2)
 Similarities (/48)19.6 (14.0)*10.3 (11.9)*12.4 (15.9)*39.1 (5.1)
 Matrices (/32)13.0 (8.3)*18.8 (8.4)15.8 (11.2)24.7 (2.8)
Stroop ink colour naming (s)72.2 (19.1)*111.8 (44.6)*124.0 (48.5)*57.3 (9.6)
Stroop word naming (s)25.9 (10.8)34.9 (11.7)*58.4 (28.2)*20.4 (3.2)
Experimental assessments
 Flavour identification (/20)12.3 (4.0)*9.4 (2.9)*15.0 (3.2)18.1 (1.3)
 Flavour categorisation (/20)‡17.0 (2.4)*16.4 (1.7)*18.8 (0.8)*19.7 (0.6)
 UPSIT (/40)16.6 (8.4)*17.5 (6.6)*26.2 (6.0)*34.7 (3.0)
 Abnormal eating behaviour (n)§652N/A
 Flavour symptoms (n)110N/A
 Odour symptoms (n)400N/A
  • Mean (standard deviation) values are shown.  

  • *Significantly worse than controls (p<0.05); **significantly different from svPPA (p<0.05); †significantly different from nfvPPA (p<0.05); ‡see text for details.

  • §Most patients with abnormal eating behaviour exhibited hyperphagia and pathological sweet tooth; one patient with bvFTD exhibited a preference for eating unusual items.

  • BPVS, British Picture Vocabulary Scale (McCarthy and Warrington, 1992); bvFTD, behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia; GNT, Graded Naming Test (Warrington, 1997); MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination score (Folstein et al, 1975); NART, National Adult Reading Test (Nelson, 1982); nfvPPA, non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia; RMT, Recognition Memory Tests (Warrington, 1984); svPPA, semantic variant primary progressive aphasia; Stroop, Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System Stroop test (Delis et al, 2001); UPSIT, University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (British version); VOSP, Visual Object and Space Perception Battery (Warrington and James, 1991); WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (Wechsler, 1999).