Table 1

Demographic, clinical and general neuropsychological characteristics of patient and healthy control groups

C9ORF72MAPTSporadic FTDHealthy controls
Clinical features
 Age (years)65 (8)62 (4)66 (11)62 (5)
 Sex (M:F)5:05:25:010:3
 Disease duration (years)7 (3.9)5 (2.4)9.3 (6.3)NA
 Handedness (R:L)5:06:05:113:0
 CBI total score (range)119 (62–168)128 (57–200)*104 (30–214)NA
 CBI beliefs score (range)3.8 (0–12)2.8 (0–6)*3.2 (0–7)NA
 Psychiatric symptoms†513NA
 Psychotic features1‡00NA
Neuropsychological findings
General intellect
 MMSE (/30)22 (5.4)24 (5.2)25 (2.2)NA
 WASI verbal IQ83 (22)74 (25)82 (18)122 (14)
 WASI performance IQ90 (25)94 (11)102 (19)119 (12)
 NART predicted IQ103 (19)97 (17)102 (17)120 (9)
Episodic memory
 RMT words (/50)37 (6.1)32 (5.8)35 (2.5)47 (3)
 RMT faces (/50)36 (7.5)27 (2.8)34 (9.0)42 (5.9)
Semantic memory
 BPVS (/150)132 (17)123 (17)131 (17)148 (1.7)
Executive function
 WASI similarities26 (6.7)20 (14)22 (14)42 (2.9)
 WASI matrices15 (11)16 (5.7)17 (10)25 (5.1)
 D-KEFS Stroop (secs)127 (47)87 (43)92 (33)52 (11)
Social cognition
 TASIT emotion (/14)8.4 (1.6)8.7 (1.6)8.1 (0.6)§11 (1.3)¶
 TASIT sarcasm (/24)15 (4.8)15 (7.7)14 (5.2)§22 (2.3)¶
Other skills
 GNT (/30)20 (3.9)**3.8 (4.0)10 (11)27 (3)
 Forward DS (/12)6.5 (3.1)8.5 (2.1)8.4 (3.2)8.9 (1.8)
 Reverse DS (/12)4.2 (0.9)7.7 (1.7)6.0 (3.4)6.4 (2.1)
 GDA (/24)9.5 (10)12 (5.8)11 (7.7)15 (3.2)
 VOSP (/20)17 (2.5)16 (2.4)17 (1.3)18 (2)
  • Mean (SD) values are shown unless otherwise indicated. Maximum test scores are in parentheses. Scores statistically different from control group performance at p<0.05 are in bold.

  • *Completed by six participants.

  • †Including early, prominent anxiety, irritability, paranoia, somatically focussed preoccupations, social phobia (see online supplementary material).

  • ‡Verbal auditory hallucinations.

  • §Completed by four participants.

  • ¶Data in a separate group of 37 age-matched healthy individuals.

  • **Significantly superior to both other patient groups.

  • BPVS, British Picture Vocabulary Scale; C9ORF72, pathogenic expansions associated with C9ORF72; CBI, Cambridge Behavioural Inventory: Wedderburn et al41; D-KEFS Stroop (response inhibition), Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System; DS, digit span; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; GDA, Graded Difficulty Arithmetic; GNT, Graded Naming Test; MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination score; MAPT, pathogenic mutations in the microtubule-associated protein tau gene; NA, not applicable; NART, National Adult Reading Test; RMT, Recognition Memory Test; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; VOSP, Visual Object and Space Perception battery; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence.