Table 4

(A) Diagnostic classification for patients with pathologically confirmed CBD using criteria proposed by Armstrong et al.1 Patients were classified first according to clinical syndromes: ‘probable CBS’, ‘possible CBS’, ‘FBS’, ‘NAV’, ‘PSPS’, and thereafter according to whether they met diagnostic criteria for ‘probable CBD’ and/or ‘possible CBD’. The diagnostic criteria for CBD incorporate the clinical phenotype, for example, FBS or NAV, so a patient with one of these phenotypes and also meeting criteria for probable CBD would be classified as probable CBD and included in the FBS/NAV number in parentheses. (B) Diagnoses given to patients at presentation and final diagnosis during their lifetime

At presentationDuring lifetime
(A) DiagnosisPrimary diagnosisPrimary diagnosis
Probable CBD912
Possible CBD9 (18 including ‘Probable CBD’)1 (13 including ‘Probable CBD’)
Probable CBS34
Possible CBS4 (7)6 (10)
Frontal behavioural-spatial (FBS)0 (12)2 (13)
FBS–NAV overlap01
Non-fluent/agrammatic variant (NAV)0 (11)3 (12)
PSP phenotype1 (1)0 (6)
(B) DiagnosisAt presentationDuring lifetime
PNFA 2 2
FTD 4 4
PSP 1 0
Other 2 (1 AD, 1 IPD) 0
  • AD, Alzheimer's disease; CBD, corticobasal degeneration; FTD, frontotemporal dementia; IPD, idiopathic Parkinson's disease; PNFA, progressive non-fluent aphasia; PSP, progressive supranuclear palsy; PSPS, progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome.