Table 1

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics

Intervention n=30Control n=30Overall
Demographic data
Age, mean (SD)44 (13.1)41 (13.1)43 (13.1)
Female sex22 (73%)21 (70%)43 (72%)
Marital status
 Married/partner19 (63%)18 (60%)37 (62%)
 Single11 (37%)12 (40%)23 (38%)
Employment status
 In paid work or full-time study14 (48%)12 (40%)26 (43%)
 Not working due to ill health14 (45%)15 (50%)29 (48%)
 Retired2 (7%)3 (10%)5 (8%)
Education level (years)
 <162 (7%)1 (3%)3 (5%)
 Up to 168 (27%)13 (43%)21 (35%)
 Up to 184 (13%)6 (20%)10 (17%)
 Degree level qualification13 (43%)9 (30%)22 (37%)
 Post graduate qualification3 (10%)1 (3%)4 (7%)
Clinical data
Symptom duration in years, mean (SD)5.9 (8.3)5.6 (6.2)5.8 (7.3)
Age at symptom onset, mean (SD)38 (12.9)36 (11.2)37 (12.0)
Primary symptom, frequency
 Weakness3 (10%)4 (13%)7 (12%)
 Gait disturbance9 (30%)7 (23%)16 (27%)
 Upper limb tremor3 (10%)3 (10%)6 (10%)
 Head tremor2 (7%)1 (3%)3 (5%)
 Fixed dystonia01 (3%)1 (2%)
 Jerks2 (7%)1 (3%)3 (5%)
 Mixed movement disorder11 (37%)13 (43%)24 (40%)
Sensory symptoms, frequency
 Visual disturbance11 (37%)12 (40%)23 (38%)
 Hearing difficulties8 (27%)6 (20%)14 (23%)
 Pins and needles15 (50%)23 (77%)38 (63%)
 Numbness14 (47%)20 (67%)34 (57%)
 Dizziness15 (50%)14 (47%)29 (48%)
Other symptoms
 Weakness*20 (67%)23 (77%)43 (72%)
 Headache14 (47%)22 (73%)36 (60%)
 Sleep disturbance18 (62%)20 (67%)38 (63%)
 Gastrointestinal symptoms9 (30%)6 (20%)15 (25%)
 Bladder problems9 (31%)11 (37%)20 (33%)
 Speech disturbance13 (43%)16 (53%)29 (48%)
 Concentration or attention problems23 (77%)22 (73%)45 (75%)
 Dissociative seizures6 (20%)3 (10%)9 (15%)
Pain self-rating
 None6 (20%)1 (3%)7 (12%)
 Slight to moderate10 (34%)14 (47%)24 (40%)
 Severe to extreme13 (45%)15 (50%)28 (47%)
Fatigue self-rating
 None2 (7%)1 (3%)3 (5%)
 Slight to moderate13 (43%)14 (47%)27 (45%)
 Severe to extreme15 (50%)15 (50%)30 (50%)
Patients reporting falls10 (33%)19 (63%)29 (48%)
Previous physiotherapy23 (77%)23 (77%)46 (77%)
Previous psychological therapy9 (31%)10 (33%)19 (32%)
  • *Participants who reported weakness that was in addition to their primary symptom (eg, gait disturbance and subjective symptom of weakness).