Table 2

Observed and expected number of causes of death and SMR for MS patients in Hordaland County and the general Norwegian population with onset during 1953–2012

Immediate cause of death*NObserved, n (%)Expected, n (%)SMR95% CIp Value (log rank)Men, n (%)Women, n (%)RRMS, n (%)PPMS, n (%)
MS164164 (56.3)14.8 (34.1)**11.19.5 to 12.969 (52.7)95 (59.4)114 (56.4)50 (56.2)
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases4343 (14.8)13.1 (30.2)3.32.4 to 4.423 (17.6)20 (12.5)25 (12.4)18 (20.2)
Cancer4141 (14.1)7.6 (17.6)5.43.9 to 7.218 (13.7)23 (14.4)32 (15.8)9 (10.1)
Respiratory and infectious diseases1111 (3.8)2.4 (5.5)4.52.3 to 7.78 (6.1)3 (1.8)8 (4.0)3 (3.4)
Accidents and suicide1313 (4.4)1.4 (3.2)9.65.3 to 15.85 (3.8)8 (5.0)10 (4.9)3 (3.4)
Other diseases1919 (6.5)4 (9.2)4.82.9 to 7.28 (6.1)11 (6.9)13 (6.4)6 (6.7)
Total291291 (100)43.3 (100)131(100)160(100)202 (100)89 (100)
  • *International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes: sixth and seventh editions for deaths before 1969;8 hour edition for deaths in 1969–1992; ninth edition for deaths in 1993–1998; 10 hours edition for deaths after 1 January 1999.

  • **All causes of death.

  • PPMS, primary progressive multiple sclerosis; RRMS, relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis; SMR, standardised mortality ratio.