Table 2

Structural MRI findings in MS and comorbid major depressive disorder

Study group Patient group MRI
Scanner, slices (mm), method
Psychometric instruments Disability status Findings
MSMS+comorbid psychiatric disorderHealthy
Reischies et al (1988)126 46Neurologist ratings
(depression=11%, euphoria=11%, irritability=22%, impaired judgement=9%, reduced drive=2%, lability of affect=11%)
0.35 T Magnetom, 10 mm slices
Radiological evaluation of lesions
No standard instruments, 7-point scale for each of five symptoms (depression, euphoria, irritability, impaired judgement, reduced drive, with lability of mood scored for extent of occurrence of depressed mood and euphoria simultaneously)The presences of lesions in the frontal lobes were related to higher total scores of psychopathology. Periventricular lesions associated with lability of affect, disorders of judgement, depression and euphoria
Möller et al (1994)15 1960.5 T Scanner (make not given), 5 mm slices, enhanced with gadolinium-pentetic acid. Radiological evaluation of lesions, video display ball and track cursor method used for VBR and CC measurementsFatigue Severity Scale
Mean EDSS depressed group=3.2 and in non-depressed group=3.1No association between scores of depression and lesion load, gadolinium-enhanced lesions or VBR
Tsolaki et al (1994)127 22Mean HDRS=11.8 (SD=6) and not significantly greater than controls150.5 T GE Scanner, 5 mm slices
Radiological evaluation of lesions and measurement of CC
(several cognitive scales)
Mean KDSS score=3.3No correlation between HDRS and lesion load or volume of the CC
Sabatini et al (1996)128 10
(All RR)
(All RR)
1.5 T Siemens Magnetom Scanner, 6 mm slices with 0.3 mm gap. Radiological evaluation of lesions. SPECTBDI
No difference in number, size, location or area of demyelinating lesions
SPECT demonstrated higher CBF in left limbic cortex and lower CBF in right limbic cortex in depressed group
Fassbender et al (1998)26 23
(All RR)
4/23 individuals fulfilled DSM-IIIR criteria for major depression171.5 T superconducting unit, Siemens Scanner, enhanced with gadolinium-pentetic acid.
Radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=3.5Individuals with gadolinium-enhancing lesions had higher scores of depression and anxiety
Diaz-Olavarrieta et al (1999)124 4442/45 had symptoms on NPI
(dysphoria=79%, agitation=40%, anxiety=37%, apathy=20%, euphoria=13%, irritability=13%, hallucinations=10%, delusions=7%)
(84% had no symptoms based on the NPI)
Gadolinium-enhanced MR images
Radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=3.3Only euphoria and hallucinations correlated with the severity of demyelination
Bakshi et al (2000)36 29
(RR=23, SP=6)
(RR=10, SP=9)
1.5 T Philips Gyroscan Scanner, 5 mm slices, radiological evaluation of lesions and atrophyBDI
Mean EDSS=4.3 for depressed group and 2.9 for non-depressed groupHigher lesion load in superior frontal and superior parietal lobes in depressed group.
Lateral and third ventricular enlargement and frontal atrophy noted in depressed group
Berg et al (2000)37 47
(RR=20, SP=23, PP=4)
(RR=17, SP=10, PP=4)
1.5 T Siemens Magnetom Vision or 1.5 T Gyroscan 15 Philips Scanner, 5 mm slices, radiological evaluation of lesionsBDI
Fatigue Severity Scale
Median EDSS=6 for depressed group and 5 for non-depressed groupHigher lesion load in right temporal lobe in depressed patients with a trend towards an increased lesion load in the right parietal lobe, right frontal lobe and cerebellum.
Lesion load correlated with BDI, HDRS and MADRS scores in the right temporal lobe
Pujol et al (2000)129 45*91.5 T Sigma Systems, GE Scanner, 5 mm slices with a 2.5 mm gap,
evaluation of myelin loss through coronal inversion recovery sequence
Tissue segmentation
BDIMean EDSS=3.3Lesions in the left arcuate fasciculus were significantly related to affective symptoms, somatic complaints and BDI scores
Zorzon et al (2001)34 77
(predominantly RR, but exact figures not given)†
18110=HC (4=depression)
97=chronic diseases (16=depression)
1.5 T Philips, Gyroscan Scanner, 5 mm slices, semiautomated measurements of lesion load and regional brain volumesFIM
Median EDSS=2.0Greater depression scores in patients with mainly cerebral involvement than those with spinal cord lesion localization
The severity of depressive symptoms was weakly correlated with right frontal lesion load and right temporal lobe volume
Benesova et al (2003)33 10101.5 T Scanner
Radiological evaluation of lesions
Mean EDSS=2.5Increased lesion load area in right frontal lobe in MS+MDD group.
Highest number of lesions was observed in the right frontal lobe in MS+MDD group
Feinstein et al (2004)35 19
(RR=7, SP=10; PP=2)
(RR=8, SP=12, PP=1)
1.5 T Sigma Systems, GE Scanner, 3 mm slices,
Semiautomated measurements of lesion load and regional brain volumes
Mean EDSS 4.7 in depressed group and 4.6 in non-depressed group)Less GM volume and more CSF volume in left anterior temporal region
Greater T2 weighted lesion volume and extensive T1 weighted lesion volume in left medial inferior prefrontal cortex
Feinstein et al (2010)43 32 (BDI<19)
(13 taking antidepressants)
(RR=26; SP=4; PP=2)
30 (BDI>19)
(20 taking antidepressants)
(RR=23, SP=7)
1.5 T Sigma Systems Scanner, 1.2–1.4 mm slices, manual tracing of lesions and semiautomated brain region extraction
DTI analysis, FA and MD maps attained
BDIMean EDSS in depressed group=3.5 and 2.5 in non-depressed groupIndividuals with depression had reduced white matter volume in the left superior frontal lobe and greater lesion volume in the right medial inferior frontal lobe
Higher MD in the grey matter of the left anterior temporal lobe and in lesions in the right inferior frontal region. Reduced FA in the white matter of the left anterior temporal lobe
Gold et al (2010)39 21 (BDI<13)
(All RR)
8 (BDI>13)
(All RR)
203 T Siemens Scanner, 1 mm slices. Automated measurement of brain volume and manual tracing of lesions. Segmentation of hippocampusBAI
Mean EDSS=2.5No difference in brain atrophy or lesion volume between depressed and non-depressed groups.
Both MS groups demonstrated smaller hippocampal volume compared with controls. The depressed group had smaller dentate gyrus volume compared with non-depressed MS individuals and dentate gyrus was inversely correlated with depression as measured by the BDI (r=−0.38, p=0.04)
Papadopolou et al (2013)41 91Of 89 tested, mean CES-D=13.6, SD=10.5)1.5 TAvanto, Siemens Scanner, 1.5 mm slices. Radiological evaluation of lesions and semiautomated mechanism for lesion volume usedCES-D
(several cognitive scales)
Median EDSS=3.6No association with lesion load or volume (WM or cortical lesions) and depression scores
Gobbi et al (2014)42 5469903 T scanner
Automatic segmentation technique for evaluation of lesions
MADRSMedian EDSS in depressed group=2.5, and 2 in non-depressed groupNo difference in lesion frequency or location between the MS groups
No difference in WM atrophy between the MS groups.
Atrophy of the left middle frontal gyrus and right inferior frontal gyrus was selectively related to depression
Gold et al (2014)40 83 (CES-D<20)
26 (CES-D>20)
3 T Scanner, 1 mm slices, a number of scanners used
SIENA X programme generated hippocampal volumes.
Shape analysis with surface mesh modelling
CES-DMean EDSS 3.36 in depressed group and 3.08 in non-depressed groupNo difference in lesion load between the two groups.
Smaller right hippocampal volume in depressed group (p=0.04), but no difference in left hippocampal or total hippocampal volume. Areas of hippocampal volume reduction included the CA2-3 region and posterior subiculum
Right hippocampal shape (reduced thickness) associated with depressive symptoms (affective but not vegetative symptoms)
Kern et al (2015)130 27 RR4/27 RR had severe depressive symptoms203 T Scanner
Deterministic fibre tracking
Mean EDSS 2.5Depressive symptoms associated with smaller volumes in hippocampal subregions CA2, CA3, and dentate gyrus
Depressive symptoms associated with lower scores in spatial memory and attention/executive function
Hippocampal and thalamic atrophy in RRMS group.
Reduced white matter FA in cingulum, fornix and uncinate fasciculus
Shen et al (2014)47 15 RR9/15 depressive symptoms153 T Scanner
Mean EDSS 1.73HAMD scores positively correlated with FA values in left hypothalamus, right posterior middle cingulate gyrus and hippocampus, right precentral gyrus and posterior cingulate WM
Depressive symptoms negatively associated with demyelinating lesions in limbic system and frontal lobe
Hanken et al (2015)49 49 RR37/49 cognitive fatigue patients with depressive symptoms143 T Scanner
Fibre tracking
Mean EDSS (3.2 CF/4.1 CNF)Interaction effects between BDI scores and WM between prefrontal cortex and pons
Nigro et al (2015)50 2220163 T Scanner
LST lesion segmentation toolbox
Brain connectivity toolbox
Mean EDSS (2.3 non-MDD, 2.8 MDD)Increased nodal path length in right hippocampus and amygdala in patients with MD in MS
Increased shortest distance between right hippocampus and right amygdala and dorsolateral and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and sensorimotor cortices and supplementary motor area
Nygaard et al (2015)46 61 RR16/61611.5 T Scanner
Cortical thickness, surface area and volume
Mean 1.9Depressive symptoms related to reduced surface area in frontal pole, pars orbitalis, orbital frontal, rostral and caudal middle frontal, and pre-central and post-central regions bilaterally, and left hemisphere included middle temporal, fusiform and parahippocampal regions
Volume reductions were associated with similar regions associated to surface area findings and extended to right supramarginal and superior temporal regions and inferior temporal of left hemisphere.
  • *Study includes the individuals investigated in Pujol et al (1997).129.

  • †A 2-year follow-up study on same cohort of patients demonstrated no difference in lesion load between the groups, but noted increased brain atrophy in left frontal lobe in the depressed cohort (Zorzon et al,).44

  • BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CBF, cerebral blood flow; CC, corpus callosum; CES-D, Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; CIL, clinically isolated lesions; CP, chronic progressive; CIS, Clinical Interview Schedule; DSM, Diagnostic Statistics Manual; DTI, diffusion tensor imaging; EDSS, Expanded Disability Scale; FA, fractional anisotropy; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HAS, Hamilton Anxiety Scale; HC, healthy controls; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale;  KDSS, Kurtzke Disability Status Scale; MADRS, Montgomery and Asberg Depression Scale; MMSE, Mini-Mental State FPujilExamination; MD, mean diffusivity; MS, multiple sclerosis; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; PD, physically disabled; PSE, Present State Examination; RR, relapse remitting; SAS, Zung Self-rated Anxiety Scale; SCL, symptom check-list; SDS, Zung Self-rated Depression Scale; SPECT, single-photon emission CT; SSSI, Social Stress and Support Interview; VBM, voxel-based morphomety; VBR, ventricular brain ratio.