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Effect of carbon dioxide inhalation on the pattern of gaseous metabolism in ischaemic zones of the primate cortex
  1. Lindsay Symon,
  2. G. Khodadad,
  3. G. Montoya
  1. Department of Neurosurgical Studies, The National Hospital, Queen Square, London

    An experimental study of the `intracerebral steal' phenomenon in baboons


    The cortical circulation of the baboon has been studied during ischaemia produced by middle cerebral occlusion. Evidence of reactive hyperaemia did not occur in hypercapnia. Metabolic studies as a whole present evidence of increased interference with gaseous metabolism during hypercarbic occlusion, despite raised venous pO2 during hypercarbia. The significance of these findings is discussed.

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    An experimental study of the `intracerebral steal' phenomenon in baboons


    • 1 This study was supported by the Medical Research Council.