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The extensor digitorum brevis: histological and histochemical aspects
  1. F. G. I. Jennekens1,
  2. B. E. Tomlinson,
  3. J. N. Walton
  1. Department of Neurology, Regional Neurological Centre, General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne
  2. Department of Neuropathology, Regional Neurological Centre, General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne


    Samples of the extensor digitorum brevis muscle (EDB) obtained at necropsy from 26 subjects without known neuromuscular disease were examined histologically and histochemically. In the two youngest subjects, aged 2 months and 8 years, a mosaic distribution of type I and type II fibres was present. From the second decade onwards, increasing with age, the mosaic pattern was gradually replaced by groups of type I and type II fibres and areas of grouped fibre atrophy appeared. It is suggested that these findings may be explained by a slow process of denervation and reinnervation. This process does not seem to occur to the same extent in three other distal limb muscles from which specimens were also examined.

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    • 1 Present address and reprint requests: Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Utrecht, The Netherlands.