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Levodopa therapy for Parkinsonism in the Shy-Drager syndrome
  1. M. J. Aminoff1,
  2. C. S. Wilcox,
  3. M. M. Woakes,
  4. M. Kremer
  1. Department of Neurological Studies, Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London


    The results of levodopa treatment in five patients with Parkinsonism of the Shy-Drager syndrome are reported. There was no improvement in the neurological signs or functional disability in any patient. Mean values for lying and standing blood pressure increased significantly in three of the five patients during treatment, and were unchanged in the other two patients. The significance of these results is discussed. It is concluded that levodopa is not of therapeutic value in patients with this disorder.

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    • 1 Correspondence: Dr. M. J. Aminoff, Maida Vale Hospital, Maida Vale, London W9 1TL.