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Intracranial reticulum cell sarcoma associated with immunoglobulin A deficiency
  1. M. C. Gregory1,
  2. J. T. Hughes
  1. Department of Neurology, United Oxford Hospitals, Oxford
  2. Department of Neuropathology, United Oxford Hospitals, Oxford


    A case is reported of a 46 year old woman who died after a five month illness characterized by focal neurological signs, evidence of meningeal irritation, and the finding of `blast' cells in the CSF. Immunoglobulin A was consistently absent from her serum and secretions. Necropsy showed extensive infiltration by a reticulum-cell sarcoma of the subarachnoid space, with tumour nodules on several cranial nerves and tumour infiltration of the tuber cinereum. The significance of the association between immunoglobulin A deficiency and neoplasia is discussed.

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    • 1 Present address: Department of the Regius Professor of Medicine, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford.