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Levo(−) amphetamine and dextro(+) amphetamine in the treatment of narcolepsy
  1. J. D. Parkes,
  2. G. W. Fenton
  1. University Department of Neurology, Institute of Psychiatry, and King's College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London
  2. The Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, The Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London


    The narcoleptic syndrome is a life-long and sometimes familial disorder in which there is a disturbance of the rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Patients with periodic sleep in the daytime but no other symptoms seldom develop the narcoleptic syndrome and have a separate unrelated disorder. Twelve patients with the narcoleptic syndrome were treated separately with l(−) amphetamine and d(+) amphetamine. Both drugs abolished narcolepsy, d(+) amphetamine being slightly more potent than l(−) amphetamine. In equipotent doses, unwanted effects of nervousness and insomnia were equal in frequency. No tolerance to either preparation developed during a six month period. Cataplexy was not affected by amphetamine treatment, but was abolished in two patients when clomipramine was given together with either amphetamine.

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