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Controlled trial of combinations of hydroxocobalamincystine and riboflavine-cystine, in Nigerian ataxic neuropathy
  1. B. O. Osuntokun,
  2. M. J. S. Langman,
  3. J. Wilson,
  4. A. O. G. Adeuja,
  5. M. A. Aladetoyinbo
  1. Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria
  2. The University Department of Therapeutics, City Hospital, Nottingham
  3. The M.R.C. Clinical Genetics Research Unit, Institute of Child Health, London
  4. The M.R.C. Clinical Genetics Research Unit, Institute of Neurology, London


    Chronic cyanide intoxication of dietary origin and riboflavine deficiency are believed to be major aetiological factors in Nigerian tropical ataxic neuropathy. The results are presented of a double-blind controlled therapeutic trial of combinations of large doses of hydroxocobalamin and cystine as cyanide binding agents together with riboflavine or placebos in Nigerian patients suffering from the tropical ataxic neuropathy. No clinical benefit was demonstrable with any of the treatments.

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    • 1 This study was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust.