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Buccal absorption of ergotamine
  1. J. M. Sutherland,
  2. W. D. Hooper,
  3. M. J. Eadie,
  4. J. H. Tyrer
  1. Department of Medicine, Royal Brisbane Hospital, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia


    The rate of disappearance of ergotamine from the mouth after buccal administration has been studied in seven subjects. Allowance has been made for non-absorptive losses of the drug due to experimental technique. The absorption of ergotamine across the buccal mucosa appears to be a passive process, pH-dependent but independent of ergotamine concentration or the simultaneous presence of caffeine. Because of the low solubility of ergotamine at the pH of saliva, it is unlikely that therapeutically useful amounts of the drug would have absorbed across the buccal mucosa even after the drug had been in the mouth for five minutes.

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