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Use of cerebrospinal fluid drawn at pneumoencephalography in the study of monoamine metabolism in man
  1. E. Garelis1,
  2. T. L. Sourkes2
  1. Laboratory of Chemical Neurobiology, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


    Concentrations of homovanillic acid (HVA) and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were significantly higher in CSF obtained after injection of air during pneumoencephalography (PEG) than in lumbar CSF, as drawn before the injection. There was a high correlation between levels in the `mixed' and lumbar samples of CSF in the case of each of the two acids. The concentration of lumbar HVA, but not that of 5-HIAA, was negatively correlated with CSF pressure. 5-HIAA levels were low in both samples of CSF in a group of epileptics, by comparison with controls. In two patients with Kufs disease and in one with Niemann-Pick disease, the concentration of HVA was very low in the lumbar sample. The application of a standardized PEG technique in the study of monoamine metabolism in man is suggested.

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    • 1 Research Trainee of the World Health Organization. Present address: Athens University, 74 Vas. Sophias Avenue, Athens, Greece.

    • 2 Address for reprints: Dr. T. L. Sourkes, Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry, 1025 Pine Avenue West, Montreal 112, Quebec, Canada.