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Diffuse intravascular clotting associated with a primary brain tumour
  1. Y. Vardi,
  2. M. Streifler,
  3. E. Schujman,
  4. M. Loewenthal
  1. Department of Neurology, Tel-Aviv Municipal-Governmental Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital, Israel
  2. Department of Pathology, Tel-Aviv Municipal-Governmental Medical Center, Ichilov Hospital, Israel
  3. The Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
  4. The Faculty of Postgraduate Medical Studies, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel


    A case of diffuse intravascular clotting associated with a primary brain tumour (oligodendroglioma) is described. The mechanisms of clotting and subsequent fibrinolytic syndromes are discussed with reference to the literature. On the basis of clinical, laboratory, and postmortem findings the possibility of the induction of diffuse intravascular clotting by primary brain tumours is stressed.

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