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Spinal evoked responses recorded from the epidural space in normal and diseased humans
  1. M. R. Caccia,
  2. E. Ubiali,
  3. L. Andreussi1
  1. Servizio di Neurofisiopatologia, Ospedale Regionale, Bergamo, Italy


    In 22 subjects, including normal subjects and patients with radicular or spinal cord lesions, the authors studied the spinal evoked responses recorded extradurally after stimulating mixed limb nerves. The responses obtained are discussed with particular reference to the clinical value of the changes in amplitude and latency of the spinal evoked potential with particular lesions.

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    • 1 Visiting fellow from Neurosurgery Unit, Istituto Giannina Gaslini per le Malattie dell'Infanzia, Genova, Italy.