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Treatment of the on-off syndrome in Parkinsonism with low dose bromocriptine in combination with levodopa.
  1. D N Bateman,
  2. A Coxon,
  3. N J Legg,
  4. J L Reid


    The addition of bromocriptine, given in divided doses up to 30 mg per day, to conventional anti-Parkinsonism therapy has been studied in a double-blind placebo controlled clinical trial in 11 patients with Parkinsonism with the "on-off" syndrome. Four patients withdrew because of side effects. Of the seven remaining, three had clinical benefit from bromocriptine with reduction in severity and frequency of fluctuations. There was, however, no statistically significant benefit of bromocriptine when the group as a whole was assessed in terms of severity or frequency of fluctuations measured by three different methods. The mean frequency of major fluctuations on placebo was 2.9/day and on bromocriptine 1.8/day (P less than 0.1 greater than 0.05). There appears to be a limited role for bromocriptine as additional therapy in the management of some patients with the on-off syndrome.

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