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Alterations in protein synthetic capability of nerve cells in Alzheimer's disease.
  1. D M Mann,
  2. D Neary,
  3. P O Yates,
  4. J Lincoln,
  5. J S Snowden,
  6. P Stanworth


    Cytoplasmic RNA content, nuclear and nucleolar volume are all significantly reduced in nerve cells of the temporal cortex in cases of Alzheimer's disease, examined both at diagnostic craniotomy and post mortem, when compared with non=demented control cases of similar age. On average, at necropsy, all three parameters are equally reduced by about 40-50%, but in biopsy cases, nuclear volume is decreased by the greatest amount (43%), followed by nucleolar volume is decreased by the greatest amount (43%), followed by nucleolar volume (36%), and cytoplasmic RNA (26%). These findings indicate that a change in protein synthesis occurs daily in the course of Alzheimer's disease which may result from a primary alteration within the nuclear apparatus.

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