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The clinical course and prognosis of carotid artery occlusion.
  1. T Sacquegna,
  2. P De Carolis,
  3. P Pazzaglia,
  4. A Andreoli,
  5. P Limoni,
  6. C Testa,
  7. E Lugaresi


    The clinical course of 100 consecutive patients with angiographically proven carotid occlusion was reviewed. Ninety-three patients had been hospitalised for early stroke appropriate to the occlusion, and seven for transient ischaemic attacks. 68 patients were followed up from 1.5 to 5.9 years. The observed five year survival rate on an actuarial basis was 62.3%, compared to the expected rate of 90% in a matched normal population. The observed rate of recurrent stroke was 4.8% at 1 year. 12.2% at 3 years, 17.1% at 5 years. Among survivors, six patients (11.3%) developed seizures.

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