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Crossed optic ataxia: possible role of the dorsal splenium.
  1. J M Ferro,
  2. J M Bravo-Marques,
  3. A Castro-Caldas,
  4. L Antunes


    An unusual combination of disconnective syndromes is reported: transcortical motor aphasia, left arm apraxia and optic ataxia. Neuropathological examination showed a left parieto-occipital and a subcortical frontal infarct and a lesion of the dorsal part of the posterior two-fifths of the callosum. The frontal lesion caused the transcortical motor aphasia and produced the left arm apraxia. Visuomotor incoordination in the right hemispace was due to the left parieto-occipital infarct, while the crossed optic ataxia in the left hemispace was attributed to the callosal lesion. It is proposed that the pathway that serves crossed visual reaching passes through the dorsal part of the posterior callosum. This case reinforces the growing evidence that fibres in the corpus callosum are arranged in ventro-dorsal functional lamination.

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