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Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles contain phosphorylated and hidden neurofilament epitopes.
  1. M C Haugh,
  2. A Probst,
  3. J Ulrich,
  4. J Kahn,
  5. B H Anderton


    Three monoclonal antibodies to neurofilaments (RT97, BF10 and 147), two of which also recognised neurofibrillary tangles (RT97 and BF10), have all been shown to be specific for phosphorylated epitopes. Treatment of histological sections with alkaline phosphatase prior to immunostaining resulted in reduction of axonal neurofilament staining with all three whilst the neurofibrillary tangles staining with BF10 was unaffected. Antibody 147 was found to recognise weakly some neurofibrillary tangles following alkaline phosphatase treatment. The results presented confirm the presence of structurally abnormal but phosphorylated neurofilaments in neurofibrillary tangles.

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