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Relation between flexor spasms, uninhibited detrusor contractions and anal sphincter activity.
  1. E Pedersen,
  2. T Petersen,
  3. H D Schrøder


    The time relation between flexor spasms, detrusor contractions and anal sphincter activity was recorded in a consecutive series of 111 patients with hyperreflexic bladder and flexor spasms. In 76 of the patients flexor spasms were preceded by detrusor contractions. The opposite pattern, namely detrusor contractions preceded by flexor spasms, was seen in only nine patients. The anal sphincter activity was generally increased in relation to detrusor contractions in patients with spinal lesions but decreased in patients with cerebral lesions. The treatment of flexor spasms and uninhibited detrusor contractions is discussed on the basis of this mutual relationship.

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