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Peripheral nerve functions in chronic alcoholic patients on disulfiram: a six month follow up.
  1. S K Palliyath,
  2. B D Schwartz,
  3. L Gant
  1. Department of Neurology, VA Medical Center, New Orleans, Louisiana.


    The peripheral nerve functions of chronic alcoholic patients were studied clinically and electrophysiologically before they were placed on disulfiram (Antabuse). The evaluations were repeated while they were treated with 250 mg (n = 33) and 125 mg (n = 9) of disulfiram for one, three and six months. The data were compared with that of 24 untreated chronic alcoholic patients. None of the patients developed overt symptoms of peripheral neuropathy during the period of study. The patients on 250 mg disulfiram showed a significant decline in several components of the peripheral nerve functions, but no significant electrophysiological abnormalities were noted in patients taking 125 mg of disulfiram. Interestingly, the control group showed a significant electrophysiological improvement during the same period of observation.

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