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The workload of neurosurgeons: implications of the 1987 practice survey in the USA.
  1. M Menken
  1. World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Neurological Education, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Brunswick.


    The number of neurosurgeons per million population is much lower in Europe than in the USA, where the point prevalence of neurosurgeons doubled between 1963-87. Results of a 1987 survey of USA neurosurgical practice show that surgery filled 25% of total time in professional activity. Of all cases treated, 64% were spinal disorders and 24% were intracranial disorders. Use of a relative value scale for neurosurgical procedures makes possible a rough and ready estimate of a neurosurgeon's weekly aggregate workload. However, the concept of a mean surgical workload must be examined within the context of the known variation of case mix and volume of surgical services in different practices.

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