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Severe psychiatric disturbance and abnormalities of the corpus callosum: review and case series.
  1. A S David,
  2. A Wacharasindhu,
  3. W A Lishman
  1. Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK.


    The association between developmental defects of the corpus callosum and major psychiatric disturbance is discussed with a review of published cases. Seven new cases are presented, of which four had clear psychotic symptoms, two receiving a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Of the remainder, one had a developmental disorder affecting social interaction and speech which could be classed as Asperger's syndrome, one had a personality disorder with depressive and conversion symptoms, and the last was an adolescent boy with severe behavioural problems. The difficulties in determining the precise relevance of the callosal anomalies to these clinical manifestations are discussed especially since the prevalence of such anomalies in the population is uncertain.

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