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Mononeuropathy of a distal branch of the femoral nerve in a body building champion
  1. L Paduaa,
  2. E D’Aloyab,
  3. M LoMonacoa,
  4. R Paduac,
  5. B Gregoria,
  6. P Tonalia,d
  1. aIstituto di Neurologia, bIstituto di Medicina Legale, cIstituto di Ortopedia, Università Cattolica SC, Roma, Italy, dCSS Hospital IRCCS, S Giovanni Rotondo, Italy
  1. Dr Luca Padua, Institute of Neurology, Università Cattolica, Lgo F Vito 1 00168, Rome, Italy.


A unique case of a body building champion with localised atrophy of the distal portion of the vastus lateralis muscle is reported; neurophysiological evaluation suggests a selective lesion of a distal branch of the vastus lateralis nerve (a motor branch of the femoral nerve). A necroscopic study in four cases was performed to better clarify the site and mechanism of nerve lesion. The data suggest that stretching and compression of the nerve has probably occurred during strenous exercise.

  • femoral nerve
  • mononeuropathy
  • body building
  • anatomical study

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