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Faecal incontinence in myotonic dystrophy
  1. J F Abercrombieb,
  2. J Rogersb,
  3. M Swasha
  1. aDepartment of Neurology, bSurgical Unit, The Royal London Hospital, London
  1. Professor Michael Swash, Neurological Department, The Royal London Hospital, London E1 1BB, UK. Telephone 0044 171 377 7472; fax 0044 171 377 7008.


Two siblings with myotonic dystrophy presented for treatment of faecal incontinence. The pathophysiology of this functional disorder is described with the results of anorectal manometry, EMG, and biopsy of smooth and striated muscle of the anorectal sphincters. Both medical and surgical management of the incontinence was unsatisfactory in the long term. Involvement of gastrointestinal musculature is a characteristic feature the disease.

  • myotonic dystrophy
  • gastrointestinal musculature
  • faecal incontinence

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