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Recanalisation of spinal dural arteriovenous fistula after successful embolisation
  1. Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Hope Hospital, Stott Lane, Manchester M6 8HD, UK
  2. Department of Neurosurgery
  1. Dr D G Hughes dhughes{at}
  1. C G H WEST
  1. Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Hope Hospital, Stott Lane, Manchester M6 8HD, UK
  2. Department of Neurosurgery
  1. Dr D G Hughes dhughes{at}

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A 55 year old man presented with a 3 month history of progressive sensorimotor paraparesis. Examination showed a spastic paraparesis with grade III weakness and a sensory level at T11.

Sagittal gadolinium enhanced T1 weighted images showed multiple areas of enhancement within the spinal canal posterior to the lower thoracic spinal cord (arrow, figure A), and 3D phase contrast magnetic resonance angiography obtained in the coronal plane confirmed dilatation of the coronal venous plexus. Selective angiography of the right seventh intercostal artery showed …

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