Table of contents
February 2002 - Volume 72 - 2
Clinical trials
- Reporting clinical trials: full access to all the data (1 February, 2002)
- Reporting clinical trials: full access to all the data (1 February, 2002)
- The “new” mitochondrial disorders (1 February, 2002)
New mitochondrial disorders
- The “new” mitochondrial disorders (1 February, 2002)
- Modafinil for fatigue in multiple sclerosis (1 February, 2002)
- Which CT features help predict outcome after head injury? (1 February, 2002)
- Community based rehabilitation (1 February, 2002)
Advances in neuropsychiatry
- Protein aggregates and dementia: is there a common toxicity? (1 February, 2002)
Nosological entities?
- Psychoanatomical substrates of Bálint's syndrome (1 February, 2002)
- Which CT features help predict outcome after head injury? (1 February, 2002)
- Executive dysfunction in subcortical ischaemic vascular disease (1 February, 2002)
- Ocular motor myotonic phenomenon in myotonic dystrophy (1 February, 2002)
Short reports
- Dermatitis herpetiformis and neurological dysfunction (1 February, 2002)
- Aquaporin-4 expression is increased in oedematous human brain tumours (1 February, 2002)
Neurological picture
- Simultanagnosia in posterior cortical atrophy (1 February, 2002)
Lesson of the month
- B Cell lymphoma of the brain stem masquerading as myasthenia (1 February, 2002)
Neurological stamp
- Anton Freiherr von Eiselsberg (1860–1939) (1 February, 2002)
- Rhabdomyolysis during interferon-β 1a treatment (1 February, 2002)
- Superficial siderosis associated with anterior horn cell dysfunction (1 February, 2002)
- Hashimoto's associated ataxia (1 February, 2002)
Book reviews
- Conversion hysteria: towards a neuropsychological account (1 February, 2002)
- Movement disorders in children (1 February, 2002)
- Advances in dementia research (1 February, 2002)
- Limbic seizures in children (1 February, 2002)
- Head trauma: basic, preclinical, and clinical directions (1 February, 2002)
- Meeting the challenge of progressive multiple sclerosis (1 February, 2002)
Editorial commentaries