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Charcot-Marie-Tooth families in Japan with MPZ Thr124Met mutation


Background: The MPZ Thr124Met mutation is characterised by a late onset, pupillary abnormality, deafness, normal or moderate decreased motor nerve conduction velocity, and axonal damage in sural nerve biopsy.

Objective: To investigate the clinical manifestations of the axonal or demyelinating forms of the Japanese MPZ Thr124Met mutation originating in four different areas: Tottori, Nara, Aichi, and Ibaragi.

Results: Genotyping with DNA microsatellite markers linked to the MPZ gene on chromosome 1q22–q23 showed shared allelic characteristics between 12.65 cM and revealed a common haplotype in all Tottori families. Aichi and Ibaragi families shared parts of the haplotype around the MPZ gene. However, there was no consistency with a Nara family.

Conclusions: The high frequency of this peculiar genotype in the Tottori CMT population is presumably due to a founder effect, but in Thr124 it might constitute a mutation hotspot in the MPZ gene.

  • CMAP, compound muscle action potential
  • CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
  • CMT1, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1
  • CMT2, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2
  • DSS, Dejerine-Sottas disease
  • MNCV, motor nerve conduction velocity
  • MPZ, myelin protein zero
  • NCV, nerve conduction velocity
  • MPZ Thr124Met
  • haplotype
  • CMT2
  • CMT1B

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