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- Published on: 13 April 2016
- Published on: 13 April 2016
- Published on: 13 April 2016Clinical use of paraneoplastic antibodiesShow More
Dear Editor
How useful is antibody testing for paraneoplastic disease in a patient without known tumour?
Dr Rees proposes to search for paraneuroplastic antibodies in patients with possible paraneoplastic syndromes. At the same time he points out that the incidence of specific disabling neurological paraneoplastic syndromes is very low. No information on the sensitivity and specifity of an antibody scre...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 13 April 2016Re: Clinical use of paraneoplastic antibodiesShow More
Dear Editor
Dr Grueger raises an interesting and relevant management point about the usefulness or not of testing patients with suspected paraneoplastic neurological disease for the presence of anti-neuronal antibodies.
I do not agree however that this test has no benefit. These antibodies are highly specific for an underlying tumour e.g. anti-Hu for small cell lung cancer and anti-Yo for breast and gy...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared.