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Brain involvement in a Schistosoma mansoni myelopathy patient
  1. F J C Artal1,
  2. H M Mesquita1,
  3. R de A Gepp2,
  4. J S Antunes3,
  5. R K Kalil3
  1. 1Departments of Neurology, of the Hospital Sarah, Brasilia DF, Brazil
  2. 2Departments of Neurosurgery, of the Hospital Sarah, Brasilia DF, Brazil
  3. 3Departments of Pathology, of the Hospital Sarah, Brasilia DF, Brazil
  1. Correspondence to:
 Francisco J Carod Artal
 Neurology Department, Sarah Hospital-Brasilia, The Sarah network of Rehabilitation hospitals, SMHS, quadra 501, conjunto A, CEP 70330-150, Brasília DF, Brazil; javier{at}; FJCarod{at}

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A 65 year old Brazilian man developed a progressive paresis in lower limbs. Urinary and fecal dysfunction, pain, and tingling in lumbosacral dermatomes appeared in the following weeks. A diagnosis of inflammatory myeloradiculopathy was done at that point. The patient received pulse with methyl-prednisolone, having improved from paraparesis. Six months later, he suffered several tonic-clonic partial seizures. He was admitted to our hospital with symptoms of headache, nausea and vomiting, right arm and leg hemi paresis, and dysphasia. Neurological examination at admission disclosed T6 hyperesthesia level, lower limb paraparesis (Medical Research Council (MRC) grade …

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