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Clinical care and management
J05 Multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration between the music therapist and other professionals in huntington's patient care
  1. M Bruggen-Rufi1,
  2. I Jansen2,
  3. E van Zwol2
  1. 1Music Therapist, Atlant Care Group, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
  2. 2Atlant Care Group, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


Background Literature confirms that Music Therapy can support the physical, behavioral and social well being of those diagnosed with HD in all stages. Treatment goals include facilitation of emotional expression and maintenance of function in relation to communication skills. Collaboration with other professionals within the multidisciplinary team is imperative in order to meet the patients need. Thus, treatment goals of all the clinicians must be “attuned”.

Research question How do the other clinicians within the team experience music therapy?

Aims Investigate the perspectives of professionals towards the role of music therapy in order to optimize the multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration between Music therapist and other clinicians.

Method Qualitative research, using Grounded Theory and Naturalistic Inquiry methods. Interviews with 14 professionals at Atlant Care Group were compared with 12 professionals of 4 other specialized care HD units. Also, 4 Music Therapists from 3 different HD Units were asked to map out their main treatment goals. These were also compared with the findings.

Results Emotion, Communication and Self-expression are most often mentioned as treatment goals for Music therapists. Goals in cognitive and physical areas are less recognized. Direct interdisciplinary collaboration between the different professionals is not yet evident.

Conclusion The research findings suggest that collaboration between the music therapist and other professionals within the multidisciplinary team is not yet established in an optimal way, even though all clinicians recognize the important role the music therapist can play in treating the Huntington patient. A lack of evidence based research findings may be the cause of this. Scientific research is therefore imperative.

  • Music therapy
  • multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration
  • patient care

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