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Multimodal imaging reveals the role of γ activity in eating-reflex seizures
  1. Thomas Blauwblomme1,
  2. Philippe Kahane1,2,3,6,
  3. Lorella Minotti1,2,3,
  4. Frédéric Grouiller1,2,7,
  5. Alexandre Krainik1,2,5,
  6. Laurent Vercueil1,2,3,
  7. Stéphan Chabardès1,2,4,
  8. Dominique Hoffmann4,
  9. Olivier David1,2,5
  1. 1INSERM, U836, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience, Grenoble, France
  2. 2Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
  3. 3Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Grenoble, France
  4. 4Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital, Grenoble, France
  5. 5Department of Neuroradiology and MRI Unit, University Hospital Grenoble, Grenoble, France
  6. 6CTRS-IDEE, University Hospital, Lyon, France
  7. 7Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory, Geneva, Switzerland
  1. Correspondence to Dr Olivier David, INSERM U836, Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences, Chemin Fortuné Ferrini—Bât EJ Safra—CHU, La Tronche 38700, France; odavid{at}


In reflex epilepsies, alteration of γ oscillations may mediate transition between interictal and ictal states. Here, we explored a patient having seizures triggered by syrup intake. From intracranial electroencephalography combined with functional MRI, the overlap of the gustatory cortex and of the preictal and ictal onset zones, as defined by early gamma changes, motivated the successful resective surgery of the middle short gyrus of the right insula. This case provides a rare demonstration from human gamma activity that the route to seizure may be supported by the interplay between physiological and epileptogenic networks.

  • Case report
  • eating seizures
  • functional MRI
  • gamma oscillations
  • gustatory cortex
  • insula
  • reflex epilepsy
  • stereo-electroencephalography
  • brain mapping
  • EEG
  • epilepsy
  • surgery

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  • Funding INSERM.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Patient consent Obtained.

  • Ethics approval Ethics approval was provided by the Comité de Protection des Personnes, Grenoble University Hospital.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.