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PA.04 Handedness and dementia
  1. George El-Nimr1,
  2. Emad Salib2
  1. 1Bucknall Hospital, Stoke on Trent
  2. 25 Boroughs Partnership Trust, Merseyside


Aims To explore the possible relationship between handedness and dementia.

Methods A literature review (PsycInfo & MEDLINE). No data limits to the search was applied.

Results Approximately 10 relevant studies identified. Benjamin Seltzer et al; 1984 reported a higher prevalence of left handedness in early onset dementia. Drexler et al; 1984 found no significant difference. In 1986 Leon et al found a reduced frequency of left handedness in AD. The possibility that left handers are over represented and die before being diagnosis was raised. Naugle et al; 1987 found that left handers were more impaired (not statistically significant). In 1998, Raiha et al suggested that there was a reduced risk of AD in ambidextrousness or left handedness. Doodi et al; 1999 indicated that left handed AD patients had a younger age of onset but lower estimated rates of clinical cognitive decline. There were disproportionately fewer left handers with AD. Parry et al; 2001 studied the relevance of brain atrophy site. Van Der Elst et al; 2008 failed to support that left handers are more cognitively impaired.

Conclusions Further work is required to determine potential clinical correlates in relation to handedness & dementia.

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