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PA.06 A care model in Huntington's disease: delivering care with carers
  1. G El-Nimr,
  2. S Tams
  1. Bucknall Hospital, Stoke on Trent, UK


Aims The multi-faceted nature of HD presents an argument for professionals to work with carers in training and service provision. Part of the required care could be jointly delivered by professionals and carers at the same setting. While professionals are at risk of “stereotyping” patients, carers find it difficult to disentangle HD from the “person” and therapeutically utilise the outcome of assessments.

Methods We will present our local model.

Results Carers are usually invited to give talks to the team. A carers’ representative is invited to service development meetings. Team members are regular attendees to the support group for educational purposes and to seek views on services. Team members did joint publications with carers. In our inter-disciplinary clinic, a carer is always available at the waiting area to provides information about HD and the support group. She will then attend part of the meeting after the clinic to feedback on how the clinic was run. Further, that carer spends time with trainees who find this experience quite enlightening.

Conclusions The value of involving carers in shaping services and individualising care plans as well as training cannot be over estimated.

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