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Radakovic R, Abrahams S. The development of a new apathy measurement scale: dimensional apathy scale (J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2013;84:e1). The author would like to point out that there were some errors in the abstract. In the results section, under “State 2 Analysis” the sentence should be: “Internal consistency reliability of the extracted DAS items was high, Cronbach's standardized alpha=.798.” In the last sentence of this section, there were some incorrect symbols beside the p values. The sentence should read: “Both the Ex and Em subscales correlated significantly with depression scores (Ex r=.553, p<.001, Em r=.365, p<.01) and BCI being least significant (r=.354, p<.05).” Finally, the second to last sentence should read: “The Ex subscale was most associated with depression levels.”

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