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- Published on: 13 April 2016
- Published on: 13 April 2016
- Published on: 13 April 2016Re:How useful and how safe is a Datscan?Show More
We thank Dr Morrish for his letter and comments. We agree that in most cases of possible Parkinsonism, history and examination are sufficient to come to an accurate diagnosis, especially in expert hands. However, not all individuals have access to a Movement Disorders expert, and it is clear that there are more diagnostic errors early on or when signs and symptoms are unusual. The diagnosis does indeed typically become c...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared. - Published on: 13 April 2016How useful and how safe is a Datscan?Show More
In 2009 GE Healthcare revealed that 219,000 people had undergone the Datscan test [1]; by now it must be many more. The review article [2] by one employee of the company and two GE Healthcare sponsored clinicians considers the utility of the test. They begin by disparaging experienced clinical assessment. It is unarguable that expertise at a specialised centre doesn't extend to general practice (they cite a study from...
Conflict of Interest:
None declared.