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  1. Sean Slaght1,2,
  2. Muna Said2,
  3. Elaine Hughes2,
  4. Sithara Ramdas2,
  5. Mark Richardson2,
  6. Robert Elwes2,
  7. Lina Nashef2
  1. 1Wessex Neurological Centre
  2. 2King's College Hospital


We offer patients with drug resistant epilepsy (aged 9+) eTNS and audit outcome. A self-adhesive electrode is placed on the forehead stimulating both trigeminal nerves (120 Hz, 30 seconds on/off). Patients set the current (noticeable/comfortable, <10mA, aiming >8 hours overnight).

Results mean±SD, comparisons: paired ttest.

Seven children started eTNS but two discontinued early (headache). Another developed transient hypopigmentation from the adhesive. Outcome for other 5 awaited.

Sixteen adult started eTNS before October 2013. Two discontinued early (disliked sensation/unhappy with seizure pattern) and one after 15 weeks (efficacy). The remaining tolerated eTNS, completing 18 weeks; 8 chose to continue (116–277 days to date). One had transient forehead reddening when hot. eTNS was worn for 6½–12 hours/night with currents 2.6–7.6 mA. Efficacy could not be assessed in four.

Of the remaining 10, seizure rate reduced from baseline 2.9±1.9 to 2.2±1.5 at 18 weeks (p=0.07): 5 had a greater than 30% reduction (one 50%). QOLIE-10w improved from 37±26 (n=12) to 18±17 (n=10), p=0.02, and BDI from 12±8 (n=12) to 6±5 (n-10), p=0.01. There was significant improvement in Pittsburgh and Epworth scales (p=0.04).

These data support the safety, efficacy and tolerability of eTNS.


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