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J29 Universal Motility Sensing Platform – Multitude Of Research Questions, One Single Instrument To Evaluate Quantitatively Motor, Cognitive And Behavioural Functions
  1. P Czarnecki1,
  2. W Gryncewicz1,
  3. J Dylak2,
  4. D Witkowska1,
  5. J Lopatka1,
  6. J Ober1
  1. 1Laboratory for Oculomotor Research, Nałecz Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Szeherezady 132, 60-195 Poznan, Poland
  2. 2Ober Consulting Sp. z o.o., Brzechwy 6, 60-195 Poznan, Poland


Background Monitoring of premanifest HD development requires new methods which are sensitive enough to detect brain deterioration, taking place within one year of disease development (effects demonstrated by the TRACK-HD and Track-On HD). Eye movement signal constitutes the executive part of nearly every type of motor, cognitive activity, but it is not yet fully exploited in HD field, albeit it’s enormous potential as an objective, easy measurable biological signal. Specially the saccadic activity possess the unique feature of being hidden, not experienced and thus impossible to be influenced consciously.

Technique Carrying the test of UHDRS battery offers opportunity to acquire additional useful information about processes of attention involvement in the visually guided interaction with task and testing person. It requires a bioengineering system which along with the eye movement can record other complementary biological signals, like the head movements accompanying gaze redirection and the inertial sensing useful during the balance testing. In order to apply such instrumentation continuously during the UHDRS testing, it is required minimal intrusiveness and comfort providing no interference with preformed tasks.

Conclusions Including other intelligent sensor technology makes an eye movement system an universal platform for wireless sensing of multitude aspects of motor, cognitive and behaviour functions. This approach relies on the reuse and functional recycling of hardware for signal conversion, data acquisition and transmission according to the preassigned time slots. It provides optimal use of available transmission bandwidth as well as multiple use of signal acquisition and data analysis software.

  • eye movements
  • motor functions
  • cognitive assessment
  • motility sensing
  • behaviour

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