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A23 Organising and Managing an Efficient Enroll-HD Clinic – how to get all the Work Done and Manage a Busy Clinic
  1. J Giuliano
  1. CHDI Foundation, Inc. Princeton NJ 08540, USA


Enroll-HD is a longitudinal observational study of Huntington’s disease that functions as a registry of potential participants for clinical trials. Investigators are encouraged to recruit as many of their HD patients and pre-symptomatic gene expansion carriers as possible into Enroll-HD allowing visibility to participant clinical data that can be used to determine potential eligibility for clinical trial inclusion. Managing the workflow for hundreds of participants in Enroll-HD at sites can be challenging. This educational session will explore a variety of strategies that work at existing sites to organise and manage research staff responsibilities and participant through-put in a busy Enroll-HD clinic. The session will be interactive and through sharing of ideas and practical strategies participants will develop plans that can be implemented at their site.

  • Enroll-HD
  • clinical research
  • clinical trials

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