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L07 Vikersund Rehabilitation Centre’s Model for HD - Treatment
  1. HL Fossmo,
  2. A Lie,
  3. I Thornes
  1. Vikersund Rehabilitation Centre, Haaviksvei 25, 3370 Vikersund, Norway


Background Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. The complex nature of the disease makes collaboration between professionals a prerequisite for appropriate care and a meaningful life. A growing body of research suggests that people with HD benefit from intensive multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Vikersund Rehabilitation Centre’s (VKB) multidisciplinary approach aims to help people with HD maintain or improve their physical function and quality of life, and obtain a working healthcare system in their life at home.

Aims To present the rehabilitation program for HD-participants at VKB with focus on the multidisciplinary treatment possibilities in accordance to the international classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF).

Methods VKB offers a 3 week inpatient program for HD-participants in groups of 6 with a possibility of 3 stays pr. year. All participants receive an individual assessment on arrival. The multidisciplinary team collaborates with the patient in creating a treatment plan with training options based on the individual goals of the patient. The multidisciplinary team around the participant consists of physiotherapists, occupational therapist, speech therapist, social worker, social educator, nurses, doctors and a neuropsychologist.

Results VKB has worked with HD since 2010 and in our experience a multidisciplinary approach is necessary to provide participants with the tools they need to manage their everyday life and challenges.

Conclusions At VKB HD-participants meet others with HD, learn about the disease, and get intensive rehabilitation for a limited period of time. The multidisciplinary approach ensures appropriate support to the individual patient and their families according to needs and personal objectives.

  • multidisciplinary rehabilitation
  • HD- treatment
  • ICF
  • physical function
  • Quality of life

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