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  1. P Kelsey1 2,
  2. SM Bell1,
  3. H Jessop2,
  4. JA Snowden2,
  5. B Sharrack1
  1. 1Academic Department of Neurosciences, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK
  2. 2Department of Hematology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, Sheffield, UK


Background Autologous haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is an evolving therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS). Here we present the Sheffield experience since 2006.

Methods Retrospective review of MS cases referred for and treated with AHSCT. Toxicity, clinical and radiological outcome were assessed.

Results 14 patients (8 Rapidly evolving severe [REMS], 3 Relapsing Remitting [RRMS], 3 Secondary Progressive [SPMS]) were selected for AHSCT. One patient underwent AHSCT on a clinical trial (data excluded from analysis). Mean age 34.6 years (SD 8.69), median pretreatment EDSS 6.5 (IQR0.5). All had clinically and radiologically aggressive disease, non-responsive to standard treatment. Follow up range was 3 to 96 months.

All patients were successfully mobilized, 2 patients progressed only to harvest (1 compliance issues, 1 leg ulcer). All patients were treated according to international guidelines. No excess toxicity or treatment related mortality was observed.

Post-transplant MRI's showed no active disease. No patients with RRMS suffered relapse post-transplant, median reduction in EDSS scores was 2 at both 100 days (IQR 2) and at last follow up (IQR 2.5). EDSS scores stabilised in patients with SPMS.

Conclusion AHSCT is an effective treatment with acceptable toxicity in patients with aggressive, inflammatory MS.

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