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Objective Patients with Lewy body disease develop a variety of psychotic and misperception symptoms, including visual hallucinations and delusions, as well as ‘minor hallucinations’, that is, a sense of presence, passage hallucinations and visual illusions. Although these symptoms have been suggested to have common underlying mechanisms, the commonalities and differences among them have not been systematically investigated at the neural level.
Methods Sixty-seven patients with Parkinson’s disease underwent neuropsychological and behavioural assessments, volumetric MRI and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). A factor analysis was performed to discover correlations among psychotic and misperception symptoms, other behavioural symptoms and neuropsychological performances. Partial least-squares correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between these symptoms and the joint features of MRI and FDG-PET.
Results A sense of presence, passage hallucinations and visual illusions constituted a single behavioural factor (minor hallucinations/illusions). Visual hallucinations formed another behavioural factor along with delusions, depression and fluctuating cognition (psychosis/dysphoria). Three distinct brain–behaviour correlation patterns were identified: (1) posterior cortical atrophy/hypometabolism associated with minor hallucinations/illusions and visuospatial impairment; (2) upper brainstem and thalamic atrophy/hypometabolism associated with psychosis/dysphoria and (3) frontal cortical atrophy/hypometabolism associated with non-visual cognition. No significant differences in neuroimaging findings were identified between patients who had minor hallucinations/illusions alone and patients who also had visual hallucinations.
Conclusions Our findings suggest that combined damage to the upper brainstem/thalamus and the posterior neocortex underlies both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations and that the former pathology is more associated with visual hallucinations/frank psychosis and the latter is more associated with minor hallucinations/illusions.
- delusions
- minor hallucinations
- sense of presence
- visual hallucinations
- visual illusions
- Parkinson’s disease
Statistics from
- delusions
- minor hallucinations
- sense of presence
- visual hallucinations
- visual illusions
- Parkinson’s disease
Phenomenologically, visual hallucinations are abnormalities in vision. A variety of vision disorders, ranging from eye diseases to damage to the central visual pathways, are associated with visual hallucinations, suggesting a role for visual impairments in the mechanisms of this symptom.1 Consistent with this view, past research has demonstrated that visuoperceptual impairment is prevalent and associated with the development of visual hallucinations in Lewy body disease (LBD).2 3 From another perspective, visual hallucinations are abnormalities in belief or awareness.4 Most patients with LBD suffering from recurrent and persistent visual hallucinations lack or have diminished insights into their hallucinatory experiences and believe the veridicality of their false perception.5 In addition, non-visual hallucinatory phenomena, such as a sense of presence (a sensation that someone is nearby) and passage hallucinations (a sensation that something is passing sideways), have been documented in association with visual hallucinations in LBD.6 7 Deficient spatial awareness or abnormal central vestibular processing has been implicated in the mechanisms of these types of hallucinations.8 This suggests that similar non-visual abnormalities may underlie visual hallucinations in LBD. In the present study, we attempted to disentangle the complex relationship among a variety of visual and non-visual types of psychotic and misperception symptoms in LBD. To do so, we conducted a detailed phenomenological assessment and multivariate neuroimaging analyses for 67 patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD).
To investigate the brain–behaviour relationship for psychotic and misperception symptoms in PD, we used a partial least-squares (PLS) correlation analysis with MRI morphometry and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). PLS is a multivariate method that enables us to analyse multiple behavioural measures and multimodal neuroimaging data in a single statistical model.9 10 The relationships between behavioural symptoms and lesion locations/dysfunctional regions are complex and do not exhibit a one-to-one correspondence. The rarity of psychotic symptoms in patients with focal brain lesions suggests that some combination and balance of lesions in multiple brain regions may be associated with the emergence of psychosis in patients with neurological disorders.11 In these situations, multivariate approaches for brain–behaviour analyses are advantageous compared with conventional mass-univariate correlational approaches. In addition, a joint analysis of the neuroimaging data from multiple modalities is anticipated to provide information that a single modality analysis does not reveal because each modality provides distinct information about the brain.12
Materials and methods
We recruited 67 patients with PD and their caregivers. The demographics and clinical profiles of the participants are shown in table 1. PD was diagnosed according to the UK PD Society Brain Bank criteria.13 The inclusion criteria for the patients were as follows: (1) age between 50 and 79 years; (2) age at onset >40 years; (3) best-corrected visual acuity ≥0.4; (4) a score ≥24 on the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and (5) the Clinical Dementia Rating≥1. We excluded patients with a history of other neurological, psychiatric or severe ocular diseases and patients with MRI evidence of focal brain lesions. In total, 61 patients were taking levodopa and/or dopamine agonists; 5 were taking an anticholinergic drug (trihexyphenidyl) and 16 were taking benzodiazepines. No patient was taking antidepressants or antipsychotics.
Motor and cognitive profiles
Motor symptoms were assessed in the ‘ON’ state using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III. The MMSE was used to assess general cognitive function. Long-term memory and working memory were evaluated using the word list recall task from the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale14 and the digit span and the spatial span subtests from the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised, respectively. We used two measures for visuoperceptual/visuospatial function: (1) the sum of the scores on the Shape Detection Screening and Position Discrimination subtests of the Visual Object and Space Perception battery,15 the score on the Object Decision subtest of the Birmingham Object Recognition Battery16 and the scores on the Face Recognition subtests of the Visual Perception Test for Agnosia17; and (2) the correct response score on the overlapping figure identification test.18 The patients’ scores and performances on these measures are summarised in table 1. In the following statistical analyses of behavioural data, we used raw neuropsychological scores instead of age-adjusted scores. The effect of age was considered in the PLS brain–behaviour correlation analysis because age influences both behaviours and neural structures/functions.
Assessment of behavioural and misperception symptoms
The Neuropsychiatric Inventory was administered to the patients’ caregivers.19 In this study, we focused on the delusion, hallucination and dysphoria/depression domains. Cognitive fluctuation was assessed using the Cognitive Fluctuation Inventory.20 Visual illusions, a sense of presence and passage hallucinations were assessed using the original questionnaire (see online supplementary material). We classified visual illusions into two subtypes: simple visual illusions, which are visual illusions associated with motion, shape, colours, size and/or distance; and complex visual illusions in which objects are misperceived as different objects.
Supplementary Material
The scene pareidolia test
The scene pareidolia test is a test that evokes and measures visual hallucination-like illusions. The administration and scoring methods have been described elsewhere.21 Briefly, the subjects were instructed to point to and describe the objects shown in each of the 25 coloured pictures of visual scenes in as much detail as possible. The subjects’ responses were classified as pareidolic illusions when they identified objects that were not in the pictures. The total number of pareidolic responses was used as an outcome measure.
Factor analysis for behavioural variables
In general, neuropsychological tests and behavioural questionnaires are designed according to the symptom domains, which are defined by convention or by a priori hypotheses. However, the actual symptoms may not conform to symptomatic classifications and there may be hidden correlation patterns across the symptom domains. We used a factor analysis to identify these correlations. In this analysis, we considered dopaminergic, cholinergic and GABAergic drugs because of their well-known effects on cognition and behaviour. A principal component analysis with varimax rotation was performed to assess neuropsychological test performance, behavioural symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, depression, fluctuating cognition, simple and complex visual illusions, sense of presence and passage hallucinations) and medication (levodopa equivalent dose, anticholinergic drugs and benzodiazepines). The analysis was performed using the ‘psych’ package for R.22 We determined the number of factors extracted using a scree plot. Variables with absolute factor loading values >0.6 were considered significant.
Neuroimaging data acquisition and preprocessing
Both three-dimensional MRI (spatial resolution, 0.98×0.98×1.5 mm3) and FDG-PET (spatial resolution, 3.38×3.38×3.38 mm3 and 1.3×1.3×1.3 mm3 for original and reconstructed images, respectively) were obtained from all participants. Neuroimaging data were preprocessed with SPM12 ( Spatial normalisation and tissue segmentation of the MR images were performed using the unified segmentation algorithm. The FDG-PET images were spatially normalised with the parameters obtained from the unified segmentation of the MR images. The obtained grey matter and FDG-PET images were resampled into a voxel size of 2×2×2 mm3. We employed differential smoothing in which the grey matter and FDG-PET images were smoothed with 8 and 9 mm full-width at half-maximum, respectively.23 Binary inclusive brain masks were created using the SPM masking toolbox.24 Details of the neuroimaging methods are described in online supplementary material.
PLS correlation analysis
Among the several variants of PLS, we used a PLS correlation analysis to discover the relationship between joint spatial patterns of the grey matter and FDG-PET images and the clinical variables. We used the regular behaviour PLS routine of the PLSGUI software ( The clinical variables included age, disease duration, UPDRS part III and factor scores for the top four factors extracted from the factor analysis (ie, psychosis/dysphoria, minor hallucinations/illusions, cognition and visuospatial function; see section ‘Factor analysis of the neuropsychological and behavioural variables’). We did not include the medication-related factors (factors 5 and 6) in the analysis because of their relative small eigenvalues and because their impacts on neuroimaging were expected to be global not regional.
The mathematical details of the PLS correlation analysis are described elsewhere.9 10 Briefly, the PLS correlation analysis seeks a discrete number of latent variables that effectively describe the brain–behaviour relationship by maximising the covariance between the neuroimaging data and behavioural variables (see online supplementary material). The brain score, which is conceptually analogous to factor score in factor analysis, indicates the degree to which the spatial pattern profile is expressed by an individual subject. The behaviour score indicates the degree to which an individual subject expresses the behaviour weight profile. The statistical significance of each latent variable was determined using a permutation test with 500 permutations and a statistical threshold of p<0.05. The significance of the contribution of each voxel to each latent variable and that of the correlation between the brain score and each behavioural variable was determined using bootstrap resampling with 200 replicates. A given brain voxel significantly contributed to each latent variable when its bootstrap ratio was >2.0. A given behavioural measure was considered to significantly correlate with each brain score if the 95% CI for its correlation coefficient did not cross zero.
Univariate neuroimaging analysis
We performed a group-wise comparison using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to supplement the PLS analysis. No nuisance variables were included in the model. For the FDG-PET analysis, proportional scaling was used to control for individual variations in global tracer uptake. The threshold for statistical significance was set to a family-wise error rate <0.05.
Frequency of psychotic and misperception symptoms
The results are summarised in table 1. Fifteen patients had positive scores on the hallucination domain of the Neuropsychiatric Inventory, of which 10 patients exhibited visual hallucinations without auditory hallucinations and 5 exhibited both visual and auditory hallucinations. There were no patients who had auditory hallucinations alone. Visual hallucinations were fully formed (persons and/or animals) in 13 patients and elementary (moving dots or ‘small insect-like’ things) in 2 patients. There was no patient who had both formed and elementary visual hallucinations. Thirty patients exhibited one or more minor hallucinations/illusions (a sense of presence, passage hallucinations and simple and complex visual illusions), of which 11 patients exhibited both visual hallucinations and minor hallucinations/illusions. Six patients had delusions, of which five exhibited both visual hallucinations and minor hallucinations/illusions, and one only exhibited minor hallucinations/illusions. There were no patients who had delusions without hallucinations or illusions.
Factor analysis of the neuropsychological and behavioural variables
The factor analysis yielded six factors that accounted for 72% of the total variance in the data (table 2). The first four factors were symptom-related and the other two were associated with medications.
Factor 1 (psychosis/dysphoria): Hallucinations, delusions, dysphoria/depression and fluctuating cognition constituted this factor.
Factor 2 (minor hallucinations/illusions): A sense of presence, passage hallucinations, simple and complex visual illusions and illusory responses on the scene pareidolia test were positively loaded on this factor.
Factor 3 (cognition): Scores on the MMSE and digit and tapping spans were positively loaded on this factor.
Factor 4 (visuospatial function): The total score of the visuospatial tests and better performance on the overlapping figure test constitute this factor.
Factors 5 and 6 were medication-related factors. The use of trihexyphenidyl and benzodiazepines constituted a single factor. The levodopa equivalent dose formed another single factor.
PLS correlation analysis
The PLS correlation analysis identified three statistically significant latent variables. The first latent variable accounted for 29.1% of the total covariance (permutation p<0.001), the second accounted for 17.4% (permutation p<0.001) and the third accounted for 12.1% (permutation p=0.014). The spatial maps associated with these latent variables and the correlations between the brain scores and behavioural variables are summarised in figure 1. The first latent variable was associated with a relative preservation of grey matter volume/glucose metabolism in the posterior neocortices, including the bilateral superior temporal/posterior insular, the ventral temporo-occipital, the inferior parietal, the occipito-parietal and the primary visual cortices, as well as the caudate head. Brain scores for both grey matter and FDG-PET images that were associated with this spatial pattern were correlated with a younger age, lower UPDRS motor score, milder minor hallucinations/illusions and better visuospatial function. The spatial map associated with the second latent variable was characterised by a relative preservation of grey matter volume/glucose metabolism in the upper brainstem, cerebellum, thalamus and sensorimotor cortices and by a relative decrease in grey matter volume/glucose metabolism in the posterior parietal cortex. Brain scores for the grey matter and FDG-PET images that were associated with this spatial pattern correlated with a lower UPDRS motor score. The grey matter brain score, but not the FDG-PET brain score, marginally correlated with a lower ‘psychosis/dysphoria’ factor score. The third latent variable was associated with a relative decrease in grey matter volume/glucose metabolism in the medial and lateral frontal cortices and a relative preservation of grey matter volume/glucose metabolism in the cerebellum. Both the grey matter and FDG-PET brain scores that were associated with this spatial pattern correlated with an older age and worse cognitive function.
As shown in the behavioural analysis, a majority of patients with visual hallucinations also exhibited minor hallucinations/illusions (table 1), suggesting that visual hallucinations and minor hallucinations/illusions may be associated with similar spatial patterns of pathologies but differ in the severity of neural damage. To examine this hypothesis, we performed group-wise comparisons of the brain scores for 33 patients with no hallucinations, 19 with minor hallucinations/illusions only, 11 with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations and 4 with visual hallucinations only (figure 2). A one-way ANOVA (the four patients with visual hallucinations only were excluded) demonstrated a significant quadratic trend for the grey matter brain scores associated with latent variable 1 (no hallucinations > minor hallucinations/illusions = minor and visual hallucinations; t=2.455; p=0.017) and for the FDG-PET brain scores associated with latent variables 1 (no hallucinations > minor hallucinations/illusions = minor and visual hallucinations; t=−2.681; p=0.0095) and 2 (no hallucinations < minor hallucinations/illusions = minor and visual hallucinations; t=2.242; p=0.029). In summary, we did not observe any quantitative differences in the brain scores between patients with minor hallucinations/illusions only and patients with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations.
Univariate neuroimaging analysis
Group comparisons with one-way ANOVA were performed among 33 patients with no hallucinations, 19 with minor hallucinations/illusions only and 11 with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations. We examined the linear and two quadratic trends among the groups (no hallucinations > minor hallucinations/illusions > minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations; no hallucinations > minor hallucinations/illusions = minor and visual hallucinations; no hallucinations = minor hallucinations/illusions > minor and visual hallucinations). Significant group differences in the regional grey matter volume were not observed. A significant quadratic trend of the group differences in the FDG-PET images was observed. Regional glucose metabolism was decreased in the medial occipito-parietal cortex in the patients with minor hallucinations/illusions only and in patients with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations compared with patients without hallucinations (SPM t-contrast of (no hallucinations, minor hallucinations/illusions only, minor and visual hallucinations) = (1,–0.5, −0.5)) (figure 3). The other comparisons ((1, 0, –1) and (0.5, 0.5,–1)) of the FDG-PET images were not significant.
A substantial proportion of patients with PD experience a sense of presence, passage hallucinations and/or visual illusions.7 25 Despite the phenomenological heterogeneity, these symptoms have been grouped under the umbrella concept of ‘minor hallucinations’, which has been implicated as a prodromal state for frank visual hallucinations and delusions. However, the integrity of minor hallucinatory phenomena and their relation to frank psychosis have not been systematically investigated. In the present study, a sense of presence, passage hallucinations and the two subtypes of visual illusions (simple and complex) constituted a single behavioural factor (the ‘minor hallucinations/illusions’ factor), suggesting the validity of the concept of minor hallucinations. Visual hallucinations formed another behavioural factor, along with delusions, dysphoria/depression and fluctuating cognition (the ‘psychosis/dysphoria’ factor). Although minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations were classified into distinct behavioural factors, most patients developed visual hallucinations in association with minor hallucinations/illusions, and isolated visual hallucinations were relatively rare in our sample. This finding suggests that minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations are closely related phenomena. At the neural level, minor hallucinations/illusions were significantly correlated with grey matter loss/hypometabolism in the posterior neocortex, whereas visual hallucinations and delusions weakly correlated with reduced grey matter volumes in the upper brainstem, thalamus and motor cortices and a relative preservation of the parietal grey matter volume (figure 1). The group-wise comparisons did not reveal significant differences in the regional grey matter volume/glucose metabolism between patients with minor hallucinations/illusions only and patients with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations (figures 2 and 3). Based on these neuroimaging findings, we suggest that combined damage to the upper brainstem/thalamus and the posterior neocortex is a common underlying mechanism for both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations and that the former pathology is more associated with visual hallucinations/frank psychotic symptoms and the latter is more associated with minor hallucinations/illusions.
In the present study, fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations and delusions were classified into a single behavioural factor (the ‘psychosis/dysphoria’ factor). Cholinesterase inhibitors concurrently ameliorate all of these symptoms,26 suggesting that subcortical pathology associated with neuromodulator abnormalities underlies both fluctuating cognition and psychosis in LBD. This view is supported by several neuropathological studies that demonstrate the relationship between fluctuating cognition/consciousness and cholinergic and dopaminergic abnormalities in the thalamus in LBD27 28 and by our neuroimaging finding that fluctuating cognition, visual hallucinations and delusions correlated with grey matter reduction in the upper brain stem and thalamus (LV2 in the figure 1). In addition to fluctuating cognition, dysphoria/depression was associated with visual hallucinations and delusions, consistent with previous studies of LBD.29 30 The relationship between psychosis and depression has long been recognised in psychiatry.31 Although depression is not a pivotal cause of psychosis, comorbid depression is associated with a greater severity of hallucinations and delusions in schizophrenia. There are two possible explanations for this relationship. First, non-neural or psychological factors may be involved in the development of hallucinations. This is consistent with our finding that patients with both minor hallucinations/illusions and visual hallucinations exhibited no clear neuroimaging features that were distinct from the features of patients with minor hallucinations/illusions alone. Depression and other types of negative moods may play an important role in the process by which minor hallucinations/illusions evolve into frank visual hallucinations. An alternative explanation is that depression is a psychological reaction to, or consequence from, visual hallucinations and delusions. Long-term observational and/or interventional studies would be required to elucidate a causal relationship between psychosis and depression.
In this study, we identified two distinctive cognition-related factors, one of which (the ‘cognition’ factor) was associated with frontal lobe grey matter volume/glucose metabolism, and the other (the ‘visuospatial function’ factor) was associated with posterior neocortical grey matter volume/glucose metabolism. In the neuroimaging–behaviour correlation analysis, the ‘psychosis/dysphoria’ factor and ‘minor hallucinations/illusions’ factor were independent of frontal cortex-mediated cognitive function, but the ‘minor hallucinations/illusions’ factor shared neuroimaging correlates with the ‘visuospatial function’ factor. Consistent with our finding, a recent MRI morphometry study demonstrated that grey matter volume in the medial parieto-occipital cortex was decreased in patients with PD who had minor hallucinations compared with those who did not.32 Although the relationship between visual hallucinations and visuospatial impairment has been established in LBD,2 3 the link between visuospatial function and minor hallucinations/illusions has been poorly understood. A sense of presence and related phenomena was observed in patients with epileptic seizures who have a temporo-parieto-occipital junction lesion and when electrical stimulation was directly delivered to the temporo-parietal junction through intracranial electrodes.33 34 Similarly, visual illusions, which are also termed metamorphopsia in the neurology literature, have been observed in patients with epilepsy who have a lesion in the parieto-occipital junction.35 36 Furthermore, the epileptic seizures arising from these cortical regions occasionally induce frank visual hallucinations.37 Based on these findings, spatial perception abnormalities that arise from dysfunction of the posterior association neocortex, such as the temporo-parietal junction and medial parieto-occipital cortex, are involved in the mechanism underlying visual illusions and various types of hallucinatory phenomena. However, a simple correlation between brain hypofunction and cognitive impairment does not provide a satisfactory explanation of the neural mechanisms underlying these symptoms. In fact, hallucinations and other misperception symptoms are rarely observed in patients with cerebrovascular diseases that affect the posterior association neocortex or in other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, in which neuronal loss preferentially occurs in this cortical region.38 Several lines of evidence suggest that abnormalities in the cholinergic system and/or other neuromodulators are additional key mechanisms. Focal damage to the upper brainstem tegmentum, in which many cell groups containing neuromodulators such as acetylcholine, serotonin and dopamine are densely co-localised, causes visual and other types of hallucinations (peduncular hallucinosis).39 A recent study demonstrated that consciousness disturbance in focal epilepsy is associated with the inhibition of cholinergic neurons in the upper brainstem and basal forebrain.40 Therefore, combined damage to the posterior association neocortex and the cholinergic system may lead to minor hallucinations/illusions and precipitate frank visual hallucinations.
There are a number of limitations to this study. The first limitation is its cross-sectional design. We must determine the chronological order in which the individual symptoms develop and disappear to fully understand the relationships between minor hallucinations/illusions, frank psychosis and cognitive dysfunction in LBD. Second, the sample size of the study is small, and relatively few patients had frank visual hallucinations and delusions. Further investigations with a larger sample size that include patients with a wider range of severity of the symptoms are necessary to generalise our discussion on the mechanism of hallucinations and illusions in DLB. Third, we may have underestimat the impact of anticholinergic drugs and benzodiazepines because this study included a small number of patients who took these types of drugs. Finally, the neuroimaging modalities used in this study, that is, MRI morphometry and FDG-PET, are insensitive to structural/functional changes in small subcortical structures and unable to capture alterations in dopamine and/or acetylcholine neurotransmission. This may be related to our finding that the brain–behaviour correlation between the ‘psychosis/dysphoria factor’ and subcortical structures (LV2 in figure 1) was not as strong as the correlation between the ‘minor hallucination/illusions’ factor and neocortical structures (LV1 in figure 1).
Contributors Conception of research project: YN, KH and EM. Organisation of research project: YN, TB, AT, KH and EM. Execution of research project: YN, KY, MU, YM, TB, AT and KH. Design of analysis: YN. Execution of analysis: YN, HW and MG. Writing of the first draft of the manuscript: YN. Review and critique of the manuscript: EM.
Funding This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) (B) (24390278 to EM) and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for Young Scientists (KAKANHI) (90451591 to YN).
Competing interests None declared.
Ethics approval The Tohoku University Hospital ethics committee.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement A limited additional set of data for research purposes is available upon request.
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